
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Marvel's Agent Carter: "A Sin to Err" Review

It’s clear after this week’s episode that the momentum is building towards Leviathan’s endgame. "A Sin to Err" saw some pretty big developments for Peggy and the S.S.R. with some fun action scenes and entertaining twists.

I was really satisfied with one of the early scenes in this episode where Peggy tries to get information out of Dr. Ivechnko before being scolded by Chief Dooley. It stood to show that sexism isn’t just an undertone in this show – it’s a central theme. Peggy’s mistreatment in the workplace has been subtle enough that it hasn’t overshadowed the looming threat of Leviathan, but overt enough that, towards the end of the season, I think viewers can expect a huge payoff.

Sousa might not be quick on his feet compared to his smug coworkers, but he’s definitely quick of mind. Sousa discovered early on in this episode that Peggy has been playing her own game, but I did think his reaction to turn her over so quickly was for plot convenience. I feel like Sousa, being harassed by his coworkers as much as Peggy, would have given her the benefit of the doubt before throwing her to the dogs. Regardless, seeing him close in on Peggy really heightened the tension in this episode.

The production team were on creative point with the café fight scene. (Who wants to see some more Jarvis fisticuffs??) Having the old timey music juxtapose the action felt so fitting for the show. With only a few episodes under their belt, the production team clearly has a handle on the mood of the show, whereas it takes half a season for a network TV series to come together tonally. Props.
I also enjoyed the little montage of Howard Stark’s ex-lovers smacking (and kicking) Jarvis at the beginning of the episode. This scene brought an appropriate amount of levity to the episode to balance out the drama and heightening tension. Poor Jarvis.

Angie got to see some action herself this week when the S.S.R. came banging on her door in search of Peggy. Angie is a good foil for Peggy’s character, giving us the chance to see what she’s like when she’s not wearing the badge, but it will be entertaining to see the new dynamic between the duo now that Angie knows that Peggy doesn’t work at the telephone company. (Angie wins the episode with that line about Peggy’s “meathead coworkers.”)

The episode ended with some great tension. Dottie was too close to finishing off Peggy when the S.S.R. agents interrupted her attack. I’m interested to see how her coworkers will react when Peggy tells them who was really standing over her incapacitated body.

This episode was a lot of fun to watch. Now that the S.S.R. knows Peggy’s secret, it will be fun to see everything spin out of control before the team can pull itself together to defeat Leviathan.

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